Frequently Asked Questions
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A: Haidakhan is a universal pilgrimage center and serves as a place of spiritual purification, healing and education, based upon the teachings of Shree Babaji. By His own example Babaji showed us the path to the Sanatan Dharma (the Eternal religion), which is the origin of all other religious and Religion spiritual paths.
Truth, Simplicity and Love is the Shri Babaji’s timeless message for mankind and to realize it within ourselves and in our daily life. He gave us a certain spiritual discipline, sadhana, to follow here in Haidakhan and in His other Ashrams.
Q: What is the best time to wake up?
A: Waking up at 4:00 in the morning and taking bath aligns us with the rhythm of nature. It helps us to overcome laziness and unconsciousness and inertia on the physical level and it prepares us for the morning meditation and worship.
Taking bath in the morning is the first basic purification practice of the day. The discipline of cleanliness is the first requirement on the spiritual path and it starts with the physical body. In Haidakhan we have the opportunity to bathe in the Gautama Ganga which is a very holy river sacred to Lord Shiva. The Ganga water represents transparence and purity and cleanses us also on the psychic level. Shree Babaji said that whoever takes bath in the Gautama Ganga will attain liberation.
Q: How do I meditate?
A: The best time for meditation and worship are the quiet hours of sunrise and sunset.
As a basic meditation technique, Shree Babaji instructed us to do japa, which means repeating a mantra, a name of God. The mantra He gave us is Om Namah Shivaya, which means I bow to Lord Shiva.
A mantra given by Babaji is empowered with His living spirit. By concentration on the name of the Lord, our mind becomes purified from all negative and useless thoughts, finding peace and the Divine Consciousness and energy within.
Q: What is the yellow marking on the forehead?
A: Chandan marks the presence of divine energy and light on our forehead. The yellow sandalwood paste is applied to cool our mind, the red kumkum is put on our third eye and the rice symbolizes the purity of the soul.
Q: What is a fire ceremony?
A: Worshipping fire as a form of God is an old Vedic tradition.
Fire is a manifestation of cosmic energy (shakti) and an element of transformation. It represents also the flame of the soul burning in the heart chakra.
By feeding the fire with material offerings, while reciting certain mantras, it transforms the gross, material energy into subtle one. Daily Havan also affects the environment with harmony, balancing the atmosphere and the electromagnetic field.
Through meditation on fire we learn to concentrate on the Divine in the form of light.
At the Shakti Dhuni we worship the fire as a form of the Shakti, The Divine Mother. We, therefore, treat the fire as a living, divine entity and the Dhuni as a temple.
Q: What is Karma Yoga?
A: Karma yoga is the path of meditation in action and Shree Babaji’s main teaching and way of healing for our age.
Karma Yoga is offering all our work to God by constantly repeating His name and in all that we do. It is work as service.
Karma yoga is love in action and as Shree Babaji said, serving humanity is serving God. Working together for a common purpose creates unity, love and peace in the community. When we can overcome laziness and resistance, creative energy will start to move through us. using us as instruments of the diving.
Q: What is Satsang?
A: Satsang literally means, meeting for the truth. It is a chance to hear the written words of Shree Babaji and receive daily inspiration from it.
During the daily meeting we organize the work and there is also space for sharing, as a support for each other in growing and working together.
Q: What is Aarti?
A: The Aarti is the heart of the spiritual practice of the ashram because it is the medium of worshipping Shree Babaji and keeping His Presence alive in the community.
Attending the Aarti together harmonizes us in a common purpose. Devotional singing (kirtan), develops love for the Divine, opening our heart chakra. Aarti and kirtan are the essence of bhakti, yoga, the way of devotion, as shown by Babaji. One can also purchase a CD and Aarati book. One source is listed below:
Haidakhan Aarti * – by Haidakhandi Universal Ashram
Q: After evening Aarti I feel like talking and staying up late. Is this a good practice?
A: We complete the day in silence after evening Aarti and dinner.
Silence is a great teacher and true spiritual strength develops in the silence of sadhana. To keep silence in the evening besides not disturbing others, allows us to integrate the experience of the day.
Q: Where can I learn more about Babaji?
A: Contact one of the Ashrams or Centers around the world or purchase a book about Babaji.
Q: Can I join the American Samaj and support its programs?
A: Yes! You can join the Samaj. Memberships are available on an annual or lifetime basis. Our mission is to practice, share, and promote Babaji’s teachings of truth, simplicity and love. We welcome your support in spreading Babaji’s teachings. Bhole Baba ki Jai!