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Haidakhandeshwari - The Divine Mother

Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai!

Jagadambe Mata Ki Jai!


First painting as directed by Manohar Lal Vohra of Bombay


Updated photo as directed by Babaji

Haidakhandeshwari's Appearance in Haidakhan

"Somewhere in the 1960’s Shri Vishnu Datt Achary (Shastriji) wrote the Haidakhandeshwari Saptasati with the blessings of Mahendra Maharaj. When Shastriji came to Vrindavan and recited the Saptasati for the first time showing his work, Mahendra Maharaj started dancing around the temple grounds holding the written version on his head.

On the same day Mr Manohar Lal Vohra came from Bombay saying that he had a vision of a Devi who told him that She was Haidakhandeshwari Ma and showed a drawing that was made by a painter according to his directions of that vision. On seeing the painting Shastriji went in ecstasy saying that it was exactly as he had described in the Saptasati. Mr Vohra took on the printing of the first edition of the Haidakhandeshwari Saptasati There and then Haidakhandeshwari Ma descended in this form onto our world under the fine directions of Mahendra Maharaj. He said, I am only a crow but soon the Swan will be here, show it to Him when He comes.

Mahendra Maharaj gave Vishnu Datt Shastri a secret mantra that only Babaji and he knew, to recognize the authenticity of Haidakhan Whale Baba, Babaji. When Babaji went to Vrindavan in 1971 for the first time He asked, where is my Acharya. Shastriji was called and on arrival Babaji took him in a room before he could ask anything. As soon as the door closed the sounds of the mantra came from the walls and filled the room. Shastriji came crying out of the room claiming that the Swan had landed, Babaji has arrived.


Soon after The Saptasati and the painting were shown to Babaji. He said that this is my form and the true form of the Devi. Further explaining that now in Kali Yuga, time is compressed and that is why for the benefit of mankind Babaji made a shorter version of the Durga Saptasati which is more than double in size. He promised that anybody reading the Saptasati with sincerity will have all wishes, material and spiritual fulfilled."

Who is Haidakhandeshwari?

"There is only one Divine Mother called Durga or Jagdamba (Mother of the world) and various other names and she takes numerous manifestations to accomplish Her divine task of delivering Bhukti and Mukti, abundance and liberation to Her children on earth.

Haidakhandeshwari Ma is the personified Devi of Babaji’s devotees or the Divine Mother and makes our connection more personal. She encompasses the attributes of all the three forms of Divine Mother-namely: Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati and in addition she has a distinctly local Kumauni characteristic displayed in her traditional clothing and jewelry.

As per the interpretation of (Durga) Devi Saptasati Her first form is of Mahakali also known as Mahamaya, representing the illusory potency of Divine Mother. Maya means what appears to be but is not an illusion! She is the Grand Illusionist who keeps us attached to worldly things of which we suffer great mental pain because of our attachment. But Mahamaya not only causes illusions and attachments, with sincere devotion –she also releases us from worldly attachments and sets us on a path of liberation.

The second form of Devi is Mahalakshmi-the Goddess of Abundance. She is the consort of Vishnu ( the sustainer of the Universe) and she not only gives the boon of abundance on the material plain but also frees us from our Ego.

The third form of Devi Ma is that of Mahasaraswati-who is symbolic of pure consciousness and intellect. She gives to her devotees the highest form of liberation consciousness. With her Blessing a devotee ceases to identify himself/herself with the body and realizes their true nature as a part of Divine Consciousness."


-Written by: Babaji Devotee Raghuvir with the help of Shri Mayapatti Acharya, Uday Chatterjee, Pallu & Yogendra Madhavlal, Sanjeev Sarna and Vijay Gupta.

"Above all the Gods who come and go in the consciousness of man through the rise and fall of civilizations, in the abode of infinite space, in absolute peace where time is no more, there resides the Great Mother of all creation, one with Her Lord, the Supreme Spirit.

The Great Goddess, matrix and creatrix of all that is, takes as many forms or aspects of manifestation as the human mind can conceive. Within and without, it is always She who weaves the patterns of all life as the Divine Force behind everything perceived by the senses."
-Malti from Preface of Haidiyakhandi Saptashati by: by Vishnu Datt Mishra (Shastriji)


What to learn more about the Divine Mother?

Check out the books linked below!


Haidakhandi Sapta Sati 

This enchanting and inspiring 285 is filled with 700 verses praising the
Divine Mother in the form of Haidakhaneswari. The text is in Sanskrit as well as English and each word is individually translated on the facing page for more information. Even reading part of this book on a daily basis is a great boon.


Chandi Path
This book, also known as the Durga Sapti Sati (700 verses in praise of the Mother Durga), is an excellent translation. Daily reciting the verses of Sapti Satis is a strong spiritual practice asking the Divine Mother to purify us with the vibrations of Her mantras and praises.

Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam- 
The Devi Bhagvatam is said to have been composed in Bengal in 6th Century. Legends, backgrounds on Devi, a Shakta Purana. Devi is Kali and Durga, Mother of the Universe. an abridged literary rendering of the Bhagavatam, retells all major legends and stories.

The Devi Bhagavatam Retold by: Ramesh Menon

This book is a condensed version of The Devi Bhagavatam and describes the legends of the Goddess in all her forms and interpretations.


Life size Haidakhandeshwari at ashram in Crestone, Colorado, USA


Painting outside of MahaShakti Dhuni in Haidakhan, India

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